Display Method:
The display method means that the method’s return value is being displayed on a form or a report. This value is fixed and cannot be edited on the form or report. If a user only wants to display the value display method is used.
The display method means that the method’s return value is being displayed on a form or a report. This value is fixed and cannot be edited on the form or report. If a user only wants to display the value display method is used.
Using table initValue() we can set default values of any table field during creating a new record. This can also be done on a form level so that the value will only be set for the specific form. Here is the example, let's suppose the table is yourTable and fields are currentDate, YourField
public void initValue() { super(); // setting current date time yourTable.currentDate = this.Now();
//setting any default value yourTable.YourField = "Default value";
Here is the X++ code to send the custom notification alert in Ax 2012.
Microsoft Dynamics 365FO (AX 7) is web-based and there is no separate client.
For development, Microsoft Dynamics 365FO (AX 7) uses Visual Studio (VS) IDE whereas the older version Ax 2012 uses MorphX.
Another is the Introduction of data entities in Dynamics D365 Finance and Operations
This blog will explain all possible ways where form control can be accessed in form using event handlers at different form levels. Events on a form are available at the form level, form control level and on the datasources level in Dynamics 365 for Operations (AX7).
We will access the form control in following
Form Control Access in Form’s Method pre/post Event Handlers
For example, we are using the CustTable form. and using the init method pre-event handler. we are going to access the CustTable_name control in the event handler. Both pre post event contail XppPrePostArgs class parameter. This will provides information about arguments and return values for event handlers.
Display Method: The display method means that the method’s return value is being displayed on a form or a report. This value is fixed and c...